The Meal who would be King


Tom Turkey was a thoughtful bird, and circumspect in deed and word

Yet in his feathered breast there stirred a grand ambition long deferred.


“We are too dignified a race to languish in captive disgrace!

We might a wider world embrace, if farmer’s fence we could erase!”


And turkey emperor he’d be, Tom often reckoned secretly

Who led his flock to victory and set the persecuted free.


He’d stalk the scratching yard by day, his warrior’s plumage on display,

And in the feeding sheds inveigh against their cultural decay


“No more must turkeys here inside this chicken wire bondage bide.

With strength and righteousness allied, we’ll rise in liberating tide!”


Tom forged his battle plans with care to catch the farmer unaware.

No quarter would commander spare in that most desperate affair.


The younger Jakes arrayed before, the older Toms a solid corps,

And in reserve those maids of war, determined Jennies by the score


With lightning speed the army struck. The gate swung wide – a stroke of luck!

Through breached defense they surged amok straight into waiting poultry truck.


Capricious are the winds of fate, as Turkey Tom found out too late,

No lord of sovereign Turkey State, but king of one Thanksgiving plate.


Poe House Blues


     A frosty eve in late October, at home I idled, barely sober

Cheetos-dusted fingers tapping many a curt and snotty tweet

     As I wallowed, iPad beeping, all at once there came a peeping

     Like somebody slyly creeping, creeping from the darkened street.

“Just the neighbor’s cat,” I figured, “creeping from the darkened street,

     “to ‘pon my patio excrete.”


     Lurching up to give that frickin’ animal a vicious lickin’

 I heard outside the caustic croon of fairy voice in plaintive bleat

    If not the cat to take a poop, then who had overrun my stoop?

    What thoughtless Tartar lay in siege, my customary sloth to cheat?

Sweatpants striped with pizza sauce and mismatched socks upon my feet

    I staggered from my furrowed seat


    Tarrying at the door awhile, still hoping to avoid such trial,

“No solicitors!” I cried, “Begone with your petition sheet!”

     “More magazines I do not need, nor have I interest in your creed,”

     “I beg you come no more a-peeping. Creep you back to darkened street!”

In answer came a stern command with peeping, cheeping, cheerful heat.

    Peeped the creeper, “Trick or Treat!”


     Near lost in unswept Autumn litter, plastic scepter’d, gown a-glitter

A tiny princess brightly reigned o’er unread news and stained concrete.

    What was this creature fiercely beaming? Surely I was merely dreaming.

    Fearing awkward consequence I rasped in desolate entreat.

“What is it finds Your Majesty before my humble peasant suite?”

     Chirped the princess, “Trick or Treat!”


     Mind in shock and awe recoiling, Hot Pocket in my gut a-boiling

What awful tribute must be paid before I could regain my seat?

    Half a box of stale Froot Loops, a pantry full of Ramen soups

    What had I to pacify the sequined despot, so petite?

“Sorry kid,” I said, a-tremble, “but I got nothin’ good to eat.”

    Piped the princess, “Trick or Treat!”


    Back into my pig sty turning, nervous bowels within me churning,

Surely there was somewhere in that mess a single morsel sweet.

    Rooting through the Barcalounger, there was I, pathetic scrounger

    Desperate to find a scrap to buy relentless child’s retreat

Pray let me find a loose Tic Tac down here below the sofa seat!

    Smiled the princess, “Trick or Treat!”       


    Falling, sobbing, to the floor, my courage failing and ears a-roar

I caught a glimpse of my salvation wrapped in cellophane discreet

     Cracked and crushed and dirty, but, that ancient mint from Pizza Hut

     Might even yet snatch triumph from the bitter jaws of rank defeat

“Here you go,” I muttered, weakly rising on unsteady feet.

    “It ain’t pretty, but it’s a treat.”


    “Thank you!” sang the elfin queen. “And have a happy Halloween!”

Then off she danced down leaf-strewn path unto the darkened street.

    Many Octobers since have flown, and many Autumn winds have blown

    Many an Arby’s wrapper since has drifted ‘round my arch-less feet

But still my strength and wits must fail each time those cruel words repeat

     upon my doorstep – “Trick or Treat!”



The Honorable Gentleman


A dull and idle boy was he

Whom Senator would one day be

For un-remarkability

He was a perfect twit


Scholastically he missed the bar

In sports he functioned under par

On looks alone he’d not go far

Nor live upon his wit


And yet this dreary lump of clay

Had one redeeming card to play

It was a talent, some would say

Not fit for gentle folk


The lad could look you in the eye

And let outrageous falsehoods fly

There was no fib, nor tale, nor lie

Too brazen to invoke


He lied his way through public school

Professors all he made the fool

Of truth no single molecule

Did stain his bar exam


At law his gift won accolades

Not possible in honest trades

In time he joined the vile crusades

A mayor’s seat to scam


With artful infidelity

He milked the city’s treasury

Invested in publicity

and stormed the Capitol


Without the truth to slow him down

The wretched lad now toasts the town

And spreads his lies the Beltway ‘round

To keep his pockets full


That little lying boy so bland

Is now a lying Congressman

With power over all the land

And hogwash in his heart


But now his native gift for fraud

Strikes no one as unduly odd

He is, of all that crew, by God

A well-respected part.

