Rats come in all sizes, you know

Returning home to a violent and bloody scene late on the evening of June 20, a young Alabraska Lane woman’s frantic summons brought deputies a-runnin’. After certifying the house un-lurked, officers heard the following account. With her parents out of town, the restless teen had invited her boyfriend over to “hang out” and, while he tinkered with his jeep in the driveway, she buzzed off to a local grocery where she met a pair of old high school chums who were also eager to “hang out.” Together, the carefree foursome “hanged out” at her house until about 10 p.m. when the boyfriend went home in compliance with a court-ordered curfew and the daughter of the house drove her classmates back to the market. Back home, she was alarmed to discover the taillights of her boyfriend’s jeep alight and a big smash-mark in the garage door where the vehicle had apparently rammed head-long into it. Her apprehension deepened when, scoping the premises, she found a shattered framed photograph on her bedroom floor and – horrors! – one of her two cherished pet rats “ripped in half.” Competent and perceptive deputies soon apprehended perfectly rational explanations for all the carnage. As a deputy poked around the garage, the jeep’s starter motor began cranking, moving the vehicle forward of its own accord. From this the officer deduced that the boyfriend’s inexpert disassembly of the steering column left a recurring ignition short that obviated the need for key or driver. As to the broken picture, the boyfriend admitted to officers over the phone that he’d accidentally knocked it to the floor and shattered it, but thoughtfully chose not to trouble his sweetie about it. And the bisected rodent? Big surprise – the boyfriend again. Contrary to his girlfriend’s strict instructions that the pair remain forever estranged, he’d put them in a cage together where one, perhaps disgusted by the other’s revolting sanitary habits, messily partitioned its cellmate. Confronted by the evidence, the girl seemed both relieved and a wee bit rat_2sheepish. “I guess no one broke in, huh?” she said.