Service with a Snarl

EVERGREEN – …only to reopen it on the evening of Nov. 9, after the carrot-colored connoisseur flagged him down near the Loaf ‘N’ Jug on Bergen Parkway. It seems the man had run out of gas on Highway 74 and asked the officer if, after purchasing a couple of gallons, he could get a courtesy ride to his stranded pickup. That was just fine with the officer, so the man went inside to pre-pay and then came out to the pump, closely followed by the gas station attendant who told the man he could keep his $10 bill and strongly suggested he take his business elsewhere. When asked by the deputy to elaborate, the attendant said the man had entered the store with all cylinders firing. “Do your job,” he howled, slapping down a ten-spot, “and turn the (funking) pump on!” When the attendant inquired as to which pump interested him, he dropped the mask of affability and screamed “Are you (funking) stupid?” Faced with this testimony, the man admitted yelling at the attendant, but stood by his original assessment. “I called him (funking) stupid because he is (funking) stupid.” The deputy issued him a summons for disorderly conduct and advised him that returning to the Loaf ‘N’ Jug in the future would constitute criminal trespass. Still angry and orange, the man departed the scene on foot.
