‘Rear Window’ redux

EVERGREEN – An exceptionally observant Bluebell Lane called JCSO to insist that somebody look into the suspicious doings on the 10-acre spread next door. According to the complainant’s statement, he’d recently witnessed his neighbor digging a “suspicious hole” in the back yard. Furthermore, the man had previously removed a septic tank from that exact location, so there was “no reason for him to be digging with a backhoe.” Even worse, while monitoring the scene with binoculars he’d detected a “wooden board” covering the excavation. Finally, his sister (extraordinary vigilance must run in the family) observed the neighbor’s kids hauling buckets of something or other from the horse-barn to the hole. After mulling the situation, the deputy concluded that compelling evidence of nefarious activity was entirely lacking and chose not to delve into the matter more deeply.
