Mixed Emotions Color Paint Dispute


CONIFER – The woman awaiting sheriff’s deputies in the parking lot of Aspen Creek Hardware on the afternoon of Aug. 26 was seeing red about paint. It seems that a can of interior paint she’d purchased at Aspen Creek didn’t quite match a batch she’d bought elsewhere. Rather than giving her the refund she requested, she said, the store owner “swept the paint off the counter with great force.” Convinced that the owner had intended to do her injury, she fled the store and dialed 911. In his defense, the owner said that when he tried to discuss the matter with his aggrieved customer she’d become “quite agitated,” loudly demanding that he assume the cost of having her dining room professionally painted. Seeing no satisfactory solution forthcoming, he asked the woman to leave and, as he pushed the controversial can toward her, it caught the edge of the counter’s plastic spill cover, tipped over and rolled onto the floor. “You threw that at me!” he remembered her yelling. “I’m calling 911!” As the owner’s testimony blended smoothly with that of another store employee, and as the can of contention suffered no serious harm, the deputy declined to pursue the case and cautioned the woman that returning to the store would be a trespass that could land her in stir.