Frozen assets

When a house alarm on Thomas Drive went hot at O-dark-30 for the second time in 24 hours, responding deputies were stopped cold. Besides the massive glacier slowly entombing the garage doors from above, they found thick curtains of ice stretched across the inside of many of the home’s windows, the interior locks, hinges and handles of all exterior doors deeply encrusted, and the unpromising gurgle of running water coming from somewhere inside. Contacting the owner in sunny California, units of the Elk Creek Fire Department obtained permission to enter the emergent igloo with extreme prejudice, ultimately hacking their way through the front door with an ax. Within, most surfaces not sheathed in ice were soaking wet, most items hung on walls had fallen to earth, disintegrating drywall lay in soggy heaps all around, and the basement ceiling was now the basement floor. Tracing the flood’s source to the garage, firefighters turned off all water to the house, patched the front door with plywood, and skated.